How to Write a Great Thank You Email After Your Interview?

Candidates attend job interviews very often in today’s scenario. The interview procedure includes overly monotonous processes, which have become jaded over a period of time. So, it is essential to create a personal touch that can infuse life in an otherwise dull system.
It is considered to be very thoughtful for a candidate to send a “Thank You Note” after completing the first or initial round of interview. It is a way to express gratitude and is well appreciated by the interviewer or hiring manager. In the age of online and email communication, it would be appropriate to use email for this purpose.
So, here is how you can go about writing a Thank You Email-
Table of Contents
ToggleGreetings With The Correct Names And Titles
It is always recommended to greet the concerned person in the right manner. As we all know that the most common phrases used to greet a person are “Hi Name” and “Hello Name”. It is also a usual practice to address the person in a respectable manner.
To make it more amicable, it is advisable to greet the interviewer in the way you addressed him or her during the meeting. In a situation, where you have been interviewed by multiple people, if would be appropriate to send separate thank you messages to each person.
Be Punctual When Sending The Email
You must ensure that you are not sending the Thank You Email after an intervening period of time. This demonstrates how much you value the opportunity provided by the company, for showcasing your skills or presenting your credentials. Otherwise, it could hamper the possibility of creating a positive impression in the minds of recruiters or interviewers.

Keep It Short And Sweet
It is suggested that you keep the message succinct and make sure that it doesn’t include jokes or puns. If the email is long, there is a huge possibility that the intended recipient may not even read it. Two paragraphs would hit the arrow in the inner bull’s-eye of the dart board.
You must also be mindful that recapitulating your skill set or your CV could put off your interviewer. The objective of this email is to get the job done.
Add Some Unique Details
If you have something relevant and distinctive that can go hand in hand with what was discussed in the interview, include this either in the subject line or the body of your email or both. Doing this could create a room for a meaningful dialogue and improve your relationship with the interviewer. Apart from this, you could be appreciative about the people, workplace or the infrastructure.
Here are some examples that can make this task easier. We strongly advise not to copy or paste the same.
The Simple Direct Version
Hi “Name”,
Thank you for taking the time to interview me for the “XXXX” position at “Company Name”. I am very excited about this opportunity and believe I would be a great addition to your team. Our conversation was inspiring, and it was fantastic to learn more about the role.
Please contact me, if you want to discuss this further. Thanks again for the opportunity.
Best regards,
[your name]
The friendly yet professional version.
Hi “Name”,
Thank you for taking time out of your busy day to interview me for the “XXXX” position. “Company Name” seems like a wonderful place to work! I really admire the mission that drives your business, and look forward for the opportunity to help your team implement some of the ideas I mentioned.
It was also inspiring to have such a conversation about “Topic”, and learn more about your insight into the industry.
I look forward to hearing from you soon. Please don’t hesitate to ask if there are any other questions I can answer about my work experience and the way I could contribute to your company.
Best regards,
[your name]
So, a Thank You Email can help candidates set the right tone after the interview. It helps make a stronger impact, and reminds the interviewer how great an applicant you are.